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"I Never Guess, It's A Shocking Habit, Destructve To The Logical Faculty."

------ Sir Arthur Conan Doyle


Mentalism is a form of parapsychological ability usually conducted in the form of performing arts, including mind-reading, mind control and telepathy. It is not limited to large performing stages and be practiced and conducted in our everyday lives. Here, we seek to unravel one of the most commonly practiced mentalism – mind-reading. We will touch on areas of mind-control that may closely intertwine with mind-reading during practices, but the focus of this site is to discuss how mentalists, people who perform mentalism, utilize psychology phenomenon and biological cues to read our minds. We will look at the important qualities a mentalist should have, some of the techniques they use to mind-read, and how anyone can apply these in their daily lives to improve social connections with other people.


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